Control4 Halo vs Halo Touch
Control4 Halo vs Halo Touch Comparison Introduction Our Melbourne Control4 team have reviewed both new remotes to help you understand the differences in these remotes. The world of home automation is constantly changing, and Control4 has always been among the first to come up with innovative solutions that change the

How To Choose The Right Lighting For Your Bathroom
How To Choose The Right Lighting For Your Bathroom Introduction Making your bathroom both aesthetically beautiful and functional requires careful consideration of your lighting options. Bathroom uses range from putting on makeup and grooming to relaxing in a hot bath. The lighting needs to be adaptable enough to support these

How To Choose The Right Lighting For Your Kitchen
How To Choose The Right Lighting For Your Kitchen Introduction Choosing the right lighting for your kitchen is important for making it both practical and pleasant. Beyond only providing light, the correct lighting may also boost the mood, make cooking activities clearer to see, and increase the kitchen’s appearance. Selecting